October 28, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Thursday


I wanted to use the Farmers harvest season as a way to show an example of what does an harvest season look like. I love the fall and I am not interested in Halloween so I begin to ask God what is so special about this season or this time of the year and I found that this is a farmers harvest season and in my own life I took note of how some things were beginning to change. So most people understand sowing and reaping. Yes it is real and how good it is to receive those good things back we have sown in previous seasons. I wanted to take something natural in order to explain something we cannot see. I am not sure about luck or bad luck but I do believe that we are in control and we can take control of what we desire to see in our lives. Sometimes things come as a result of our associations or friendships but most times they come because we have something to do with things that happen. Of course the devil is always behind the bad but we have power to overcome him. Other times he likes to trick us out of good things by making something appear to be okay but in reality it will bring bad things into our lives. It takes God's light to help us to see the reality of a thing or a person. 

I discovered that September to early December is the time where farmers get to see the reward of the growing season. Harvest starts in mid-September, and most do not understand all the work that goes into harvest. Making sure that all crops are dry is the most important. This is important for storage reasons. We plant late winter and early spring and harvest this time of year. Harvest or look forward to things you have sowed. What things have you sowed?

What month is harvest time?

Typically harvest season starts late September or early October for those farming and growing crops outside. Before the weather changes and cools as autumn approaches, the crops are cut and collected, ready to be used for cooking and eating.

Sow Kindness

Sow joy 

Sow righteousness   

 Sow helpfulness    

 Sow mercy    

Sow money     

Give gifts and offerings

Reaping season is harvest season. The things you sow return right back to you. Some 40, some 60, and some 100 fold. I used the farmers harvest season just as a way to explain that sowing and reaping is real and it feels good when we plant good seeds that the word of God teaches and how good it is to see a harvest of good things. 


The Israelites had silver and gold but that was not the glory that filled the tabernacle. The glory that filled the tabernacle was the the presence of the Lord. When the Lord entered the tabernacle the glory showed up. 

The ark of the covenant.

It served as a sign unto to the children of Israel.

  1. The people saw it as the divine presence of God.
  2. A wooden chest was built for it/so it would be safe for travel. Sometimes they took with them to different places.
  3. it rested on gilded carrying poles/for easy travel and movement
  4. the poles were inserted through rings
  5. The ark would later on reach Jerusalem where David installed it at his dwelling place
  6. During Solomon's term as King, it remained in the inner sanctuary of the newly built temple.
Have a blessed Day! 


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