November 09, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

We praise God and knowing that we belong to him because we have an agreement with God (a covenant).

Happy Monday

The reason for the covenant....

The expectation of God.....

He is our God and we are his people..........

  • Gentiles know what it means to live without God. Some of us come out of ungodly situations before we accepted Christ. Remember the moment your heart rejoice and receive the beautiful gift of God (Jesus Christ) after that......
  • we go on to learn about the things of God. The Jewish people have been taught to know and live by the word of God for thousands of generations. Under the new covenant we must have the knowledge of God and desire to know him and that is the foundation and God will go on through his WORD to change and grow the person. If you reject his word and commandments it's hard  to go on to live in his grace. 
Thoughtful thought: Do we get to claim his beautiful promises on word or deeds?

God is so wonderful he has given us a knowledge and faith (not deeds) to know him and accept him. It is important to have a knowledge of him as well as a heart that desires to do the will of God. Then God will perform and and do what is right in the will and heart of any person that accepts him.

No can see your heart?
No one knows your heart.

But God can. If you desire what is right it will come to pass. 

God does a great work in a man or woman and it is personal.

Peter changed.

John Grew.

God's spirit causes a person to go from normal to powerful (able to defeat those things that defeat us). It's between you and God. 

Have a great day!


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