November 25, 2022

 God With Us

It is November already. Thus far we have read through the book of proverbs. One of my favorite bible books. Early this year we went through Romans, and Corinthians as it relates to living together as a community. Christians should not be in war with each other. And if we live like that, we know that we do not know God. I also did God with us as we learn how to relate one to another. How to correct others. The importance of us encouraging each other. Life is hard and it is even harder if we hurt one another. We just finish up the book of proverbs. God with us and he gives us wisdom as we encounter different types of people on the earth. As we finish up this year (God willing) let us look at Joshua, Moses, and Peter. How was God with them?

There is a beautiful gospel song that says Peter don't be afraid. These men did things totally different. No one had done what they had done. I know they were afraid. I also know that God with them and knowing the difference between right and wrong helped them to overcome that fear. 

So, Each week I want to look at these encouraging individuals. 

Have a blessed day!

Have a great day!


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