January 16, 2023

 God is Good

Why is this important? 

Happy Monday

Happy Birthday to Dr. Martin Luther King

"We cannot fight fire with fire"

Knowing God is good and it is important because we have to know that he came to be good to us or we can say he came to help us overcome evil in order to have healthy hearts. You ever had someone want to see you do GOOD. We know what happens when someone wants us to be bad. They don't lift a finger to help and they tend to be critical and pessimistic . But God is so good. He teaches us. Last week I listed the things he taught the people in Matthew chapter 5. Secondly to know what is good for you is important. There is some unhealthy foods, people, and places to avoid. There are some GOOD healthy things that God tells us that keep our spirits beautiful and strong. And we know by experience and words that God is good. 

Matthew chapter 6:14

"If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

1. How can God give to you when you refuse to give. 

2. His whole entire Kingdom is based on sowing and reaping.

3. We can only reap those things we have sown.

Having a Good and healthy heart. Its healthy to forgive. 

Being evil is too much of a burden. 
it is a heavy load. 


To those who are new and checking out the blog. Thank you!

A note about me. I am not a perfect religious person. I am a work in progress. I am 41 years old. I celebrate how far God has brought me. He has been good to me. When I begin this blog it was based and founded upon good words. Sometimes I open up social media and bad vibes is flowing through the screen. I wanted to read something positive. I wanted to send out daily good vibrations. I wanted to not add the news because we see so much going on. I always confess to people I am not a preacher but I am a believer. God desires that we share our love and passion with others. There are times when I add news and positive things. Or to present a different perspective. 

Have a great day! 


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