March 10, 2023

 God Is Good

Happy Friday 

Why is it a happy Friday?

It is another day God has bless us with. Another day to spend with those we love. Some one had to say goodbye to their family. We have the day to say good morning and I love you. Have a great day! 

Sometimes we need God's perspective to see the good. Some situations are dark and evil. Even in the darkness God shines the light. Sometimes it exposes evil. Sometimes it is for some one else. We are not perfect robots but we strive for our goals not that we always obtain the perfect mental and emotional thoughts in hard times. But we cry and push toward the mark. Eventually our emotions get on board with what we know! Have some coping strategies. Quiet times, prayer, fasting, sometimes it's have some fun. Dance to some music, eat your favorite cake if you never eat sweets. If you eat too much sugar then fast. But it's taking the body in the direction you want it to go. 


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