March 28, 2023

 God Is Good

Happy Tuesday! 

Passover 2023

begins Wednesday, April 5

at sunset (in 9 days)

ends Thursday, April 13

at nightfall

Easter (in the world this is what it is called) 

Easter 2023

Sunday, April 9

(in 13 days)

Question: As a non Jew what do you do on these day! 

I learn about them. I appreciate them. I like to try some of the food. Just like we do on Christmas we eat certain foods. I pray and thank God for delivering his people. I go to work if there is work on that day! But I acknowledge it. It is not anything beyond that or trying to be Jewish. To the Jews and the Gentiles we are one in Christ. We might not understand the details they know. How beautiful it is to want to learn. What did Jesus eat? What was their views on schools and learning and etc? Sometimes I like to listen in a Jewish podcast (of course Christian). Some Jews do not practice Judaism and my Easter is spent with family and food and we thank God for his Son. We thank him for the forgiveness of sins. Some people talk about that day! (In a funny way/poking fun at things we do) Getting dress up and going to church just that one day. But guess what I am happy if people who never go; go on that one day! They dressed up and come to church. Yes Lord, and Amen, amen, and glory to all those who go every Sunday. I know God loves you dearly. But I am sure he is so HAPPPY to see people who don't come. Wear those Easter suits and dresses. It is traditional. It is not a bad tradition. Bad traditions keep people from God. Good traditions bring them to him. He will do all the work on them in the way he wants to. The change will come. Even the butterfly does not change overnight. Let change have it natural pace. Just have faith its working until you can see the results. Even when it looks like they will never change. Just have faith and make sure its the change God wants not some control we desire to have over other people. 

The book of Psalms is a great example of a Christian having trouble and knowing that God is good. God is good despite what is happening. People really do look at the outside but these types of things are on the inside. He knows you inside out. What you think, what you feel. Just know that God is good to you on the mountain top and he will be good to those in the valley. 

No matter what your position is God is good.

Psalms 28

His people, his flock, his say so, his way, he can shape them, and mold them into whatever he needs them to be in that moment. That's the beauty of the potter. We all will serve his purpose. Judas serve the purpose of God? True of false? Even bad people serve his purpose. He placed Judas right in the midst of the righteous. He knew exactly who he was. So even if you have trouble around you. Trust and believe if you belong to him it is all good. 

Psalms 28

(Last two stanzas) 

Praise be to the Lord,

    for he has heard my cry for mercy.

7 The Lord is my strength and my shield;

    my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.

My heart leaps for joy,

    and with my song I praise him.

8 The Lord is the strength of his people,

    a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.

9 Save your people and bless your inheritance;

    be their shepherd and carry them forever.

Have a great day! 


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