Sun September 10, 2023

 God is good.

Happy Sunday/Monday!

This year we have look at all the ways God is good. He is great. Good is an understatement but it is a universal statement we all use. Who he is, is revealed in his words. His thoughts. We can touch him. Feel emotions. Get to know him. He has given us his word.  It is what he thinks, how he feels, what he wants. At one time in history men tried to get rid of the bible but they were unsuccessful. The parable of the sower tells us the devil steals the word. Or it can be smothered, or just unfruitful because of cares. But it can be put in a heart and no one can take it away.

His word is not bound

"But the word of God could not be forever bound. In attempting to prevent its circulation men soon discovered that they were undertaking a work beyond their strength. The Bible had taken deep root in the hearts of people. What king's and prelates had sought to suppress and destroy, kings and predates now begin to foster and supply. In his stories from English History, pages 196, 197, Henry P. Warren says: by Cormwells advice, ordered a translation of the Bible to be place in every church. Today the privilege of having and reading God's Holy Word in several excellent versions is gifted to all. Thus its refining and beneficent influence is shed abroad in most lands of earth."

My source,

"Bible Readings for the home" 

Have a great day!


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