December 08, 2023

 God is God

Happy Friday!

As you go into the weekend. I know at some point we are challenged or even troubled. But no matter what or who is against you, just remember that there is no weapon formed against you that will prosper. Don't get upset at people but pray for them. Pray for those in darkness. Pray for their good even while they plot or wish bad on you because their bad will not be successful against you; so why be angry. Hug that person. Dont be upset. Rejoice that God knows and sees you and we can pray that things go well for your friends and foes. It is the Christmas season and God sent son because we needed help. Angry people want you angry, hurt people hurt people, loving people love people, forgiven people forgive. 

 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

This prayer was shared with me from a friend. The writer is anonymous. I'm sharing this with other women. It is beautiful to have sisters and friends.

 I dedicate this prayer to you. We’re going to get many women to praise God with one voice in the next 24 hours. Please share this devotion to every woman you want God to Bless.

Our Loving Father,  I present to you my friend who is in my heart and this is my prayer for her. Help her live her life according to Your Will. Guide her, renew her mindset and heart where needed, so she will overcome temptations or any barriers and weaknesses. May it be You who puts her in high places like the eagles.  May she spread love and shine in dark places where it’s difficult for others to reach. May she bring a word of love, healing and liberation to others. Protect her at all times. Deliver her and her loved ones from harm and all form of evil - people known and spirits unseen.  Keep any virus, danger, pain or disease away from her, may she heal fast without long side effects. Thank you Our God, Our Healer.  Lift her up when she feels weak, and when she walks, may she feel your presence and the certainty that she is safe in your Holy hands. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Let us all pray for one another.  Send it to sisters, cousins, aunts, sisters-in-law, coworkers, friends & all the women you want to bless.🥰❤️🙏🏾
I’m sending it to you 

Have a great day!


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