February 01, 2024


Happy Thursday.

 Jesus has wisdom, knowledge, and discernment as he crosses paths with others.

Jesus Attends a Banquet

There he is feasting with a well know pharisee. Uniquely they watch him closely. What will he do. What will he say? 

Words win some people.

They may offend others.

The disciples were drawn to him by the Spirit. How quickly they accepted. And  Jesus accepted them. The spirit draws them. Others maintained a distance. It seems that God revealed Jesus to the disciples so immediately they follow him. Others were skeptical and had an different experience. Maybe later they came to him. We are not call to investigate or analyze but it is by the Spirit. I see Jesus giving people freedom to choose. Some followed others did not. In this passage they didn't agree with him on healing on a Sunday. Some will believe others will do what they believe to be good. You can't follow them around to make them do right but it has to come from God and through his Holy Spirit.

Our words good or bad have no power to change others.

14 On a day of rest—a holy day, Jesus went to eat at the home of a prominent Pharisee. The guests were watching Jesus very closely.

2 A man whose body was swollen with fluid was there. 3 Jesus reacted by asking the Pharisees and the experts in Moses’ Teachings, “Is it right to heal on the day of rest—a holy day, or not?” 4 But they didn’t say a thing.

So Jesus took hold of the man, healed him, and sent him away. 5 Jesus asked them, “If your son or your ox falls into a well on a day of rest—a holy day, wouldn’t you pull him out immediately?” 6 They couldn’t argue with him about this.

Today we have hospitals and if you become ill on a Sunday there is treatment available but thousands of years ago they did not have all that is available today. Imagine being sick and someone said wait till Monday. But Jesus is past, present,  and future. He did things that they are discovering now. We have medical treatments. They had Jesus walking down the road. They asked for healing.

Have a great day!


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