March 04, 2024


Happy Monday!

Some times we can spend hours talking about nothing.  Does what we say reveal our heart? The bible says it does. I have a close friend who curses a lot. When I met him he was sweet but as I got to know him I learned he talks bad. He feels like if he disrespects someone it makes them change. He reveal to me it is his way of teaching people. He just lets it rip. Every nasty word you can think of. Its because he doesn't like something they are doing. He does a lot of things wrong but he excuses himself. His disrespect is for those he wants to change. Some may think he is honest. Others might call him foolish for using his words wrecklessly. But one thing for sure his words reveal his heart. He is far from the Lord. He might not even know Jesus. When he speaks he curses people. Sadly his words will land on his own plate. On the other hand think about words with a purpose! Words that have a mission. Does what we talk about benefit others. Does it benefit us?

Eventually we will get to the words of Jesus. He says the words he speak are spirit and life. In these videos we hear everyday men whose words touch us. 

Does disrespecting a person lead to change? Can we shame and embarrassed them into doing better?

What is words of life?

If words come from the heart ❤️ are we inspiring others with disrespect? 

What leads to change!

Later on I think Jesus 🤔 words will explain.

Below is Abraham Lincoln.

Have a great day!


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