May 03, 2024


Happy Friday!

Traveling to the first place.

Location: The Garden of Eden


It was said that the Garden Eden traces back to Israel. It has been recorded that it extended from Dan to Beersheba. So in lots of older books this is the information given. 

On a different note the first dwelling of man was not a home but it was a garden. It was LAND.

God planted a garden. He created a land that would sustain living. Who's land was it? It was Gods land. He gave it to Adam but he could move him out of it too. He gave Israel the promise land. God can give land.

So Adam and Eve did not have a home first. But they had a garden. The garden had rivers flowing through it. Beautiful trees. Trees that produce good fruit. In the center of the garden was the tree of life. And the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Or the conscience as some call it.


"The New Testament in Living Pictures"

I believe it would have grown so much. I believe a house would have been built and more good food. Resources to build. As we look at different areas. Look at how life has advance. They had all the resources to have a beautiful family, food, and shelter.

The greatest bonus was God was with them in the garden. How beautiful ❤️ ❤️. God's presence was with them. But the enemy made his way in and everything goes bad and man was kicked out the garden.

"He disobeyed God to win his own idea of freedom, but lost the freedom of being the man he was made to be. Inevitably, fellowship with God was broken; cut of from God, the source of life, man and creation was turned from good to evil"

The first living conditions was a garden. That yielded fruit.

Where was it located?

For years it was said the middle east. 

But research today shows life began in Africa.


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