March 29, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Monday

Praising God is like running water it just flows when your heart is sincere and filled with faith. Yes faith and praise are connected. You praise him because you trust in him. We praise him because he is our strength. We praise him because he is all mighty. We praise him because he hears us. On the other hand if you fail to believe he will help you or he hears you you will not want to praise him. It will be hard to do. When you praise your faith is at a great level. 

A sincere heart (honest intentions)

If the heart is bad then everything that precedes out of it is tainted. When the heart is sincere it is in a state of honesty no motives; it does not mean the person is perfect but if they are sincere and truly thankful to God it is beautiful and it is so pleasing God. It is similar to someone saying sorry to you but you know that it was not sincere or a person that is being rude nice. Its suppose to be good but for some reason its just tainted and not sincere so you don't believe it. It is not so much as being a perfect person its being a sincere person. 

I know some people have a great walk with God. They walk it like they talk it. They super cede being good and that is perfect. There was a good son and a prodigal son. But my point is not about being good or bad but it is knowing God is good. For example for some like me; or those who are growing in God we sometimes experience failure and it might just be me but when God is good to me when I don't deserve it my praise is elevated and super praise. He is good. I praise him not because I am good. I praise him because he is good. He has forgiven me. I feel like he have my hands and the words of my mouth in total praise. Sometimes people become upset. How can you praise God when you are far from perfect. They don't realize they make mistakes too and sometimes just as many mistakes if not more but someone people are blind and others are aware and they love God because he is good. Circumstances is  not always good, life can be unique but God is a constant stable friend in the midst of all the things that life throws at you that's why I praise him. 

PS 28:7

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy and with my song I praise him. 


Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name; praise his holy name. 


That my heart may sing your praises and not be silent, Lord my God, I will praise you forever. 

Have a wonderful Monday!


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